A quick under 10-steps tutorial to give you a full overview of the new platform and its capabilities.
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A quick under 10-steps tutorial to give you a full overview of the new platform and its capabilities.
Last updated
In order to get the full Solution Explorer's experience, we strongly advise you to Login or Create your profile on our website.
While the standard smart search is available to all visitors, several features like the AI Assistant or Solutions Interactions are kept behind a log-wall.
You can access the showcase view and browse the key new functionalities directly from here.
On this page you can perform a search, or get a global overview of:
A sample of our Solutions Collections: those are high level & ready-made thematic or geographic portfolios.
Our latest Labelled Solutions: more about the label here.
The latest Use Cases: those are articles written internally or by innovators to demonstrate their adoptions by clients.
Our latest Initiatives: Similar to collections, these are portfolios of solutions that we used for specific projects.
You can now perform your first search using our Smart Search feature. Find the search bar on the showcase page and input a search query. This new smart search lets you find solutions not only by keyword but also by context or intent. This enables you do be more natural and verbose in your searches and still get relevant results
Behind the scenes the smart search is using an Hybrid approach leveraging both standard key word match as well as Semantic matching. Learn more about Semantic Search here.
You can now freely browse your search results!
The colour of the card of the solution is dependent of the solution type.
Red solutions are Products
Orange solutions are Services
Blue solutions are Processes
Green solutions are Behaviours
Grey solutions are Policies
Click on a solutions you find interesting.
You can now view a solution page. Every page starts with the solution name, then a clear one sentence description. Then, you have the stage at which the solution is, which lets you see whether a solutions is labeled or not.
This is followed by several informations about the solution and company behind it, like it's labelling date, company name, country of origin as well as maturity stage.
Then, a supporting section explaining further the concept of the solution, the key features (environmental and financial) are further detailed.
Finally, you can discover several tags associated with the solutions, the profile of the company, as well as related solutions.
You can share any solution on your social medias platform by using the relevant links at the bottom of any solution page.
Now, go back using the upper left button to the smart search view. Locate on the right side the panel: + Filters
After clicking on it, you should see a filtering panel sliding into view
For more informations about the smart search feature, including the filters at your disposal, you can check out the dedicated section
On the standard solutions view, you have a toggle switch that enables you to switch view between solutions and use cases.
Use case are a new addition, they are articles, linked to our solutions portfolio, that demonstrate their real world applications.
Note that when performing a search, we query on both solutions and use case at anytime, offering you the opportunity to switch from one view or the other with only one search performed.
A range of filters is also available specific to the use cases. You can filter by a range of possibilities including the solution provider, country, city, client and others.
An interactive map enables you to visualise the localisation of each use case as displayed on the left panel.
For more informations about our use cases, you can deepdive using the following link:
Collections are a new way of browsing bundles of solutions under a specific thematic, crafted by SIF Team members, they provide a good entry point to see solutions portfolio without the need for manual search.
To access a collections, you can either select it from the landing page "Showcase", or use the navbar under Explore > Collections.
Similar to collections initiatives are a portfolio of solutions that was selected by the Solar Impulse Foundation for specific projects.
Access the Initiatives from the landing page "Showcase" or browse our full list of initiatives with the navbar under Explore > Initiatives
Solutions to improve water access in rural Africa →
Solutions to insulate a home →
Reduce food waste in restaurants →